~*Prophet Thomas Howell & Pastor Jeanella (Queen Joy-Star ) Walker*~

I thank the Almighty, for these people. She is the Pastor of Peace and Joy Temple Kingdom Yahweh, Cinn. OH. He is the Founder and Pastor of Ten Commandment Church Of The Living God, also Cinn.,OH. They took me under their wings
~* Prophet Jesse James Murkerson *~

. I met them by way of the late Prophet Jesse James Murkerson ,who was a Spiritual Son. Prophet Jesse, was also my Pastor. Time would not permit me to get all deep into this story. This Blog is not able to hold all this young man did for the Lord. But in another post I will tell of some of the services we had. My God!! today all I can say right now is those were the days....
Be Blessed!!
Until the Prophets Story be continued...