Sunday, January 2, 2011


~*~ IN MEMORY ~*~
William L. Jones
12/17/1934 ~*~ 12/17/2010

Better known to the family as "Billy", My memory is/momeies are .
Starting with the best one. Billy Preached his trial sermon in a week long service sponsored by the Youth of New Hope Freewill Baptist Church.

This was the first of many. When I asked him would he speak for this particular service he said, "Let me consult with the Lord about it."

See at the time, He was rooming at my Mom's house. So,I witnessed first hand of Prayer and Fasting.

This Brother stayed before the Lord.

And,My God! What a Message that was delivered.

I Thank God, for the message and the Messenger.
You see,

At the time this Brother,was not a member of the Body.

So he extended the invitation for discipleship, and sat himself in the chair........

Need I say More.....\o/